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This overlay/dock is used to display and administer multiplatform surveys.


The installation and configuration of our dock are necessary for this overlay to work ; chat events must also be enabled for every configured platform.


This form is intended to be integrated into OBS as a browser source and displays a survey on your stream as well as its progress in real time. Your spectators, present on different platforms, will be able to vote by posting the numbers corresponding to their choices in their respective chats; they will also be able to change their mind as long as the survey remains open.


This overlay currently does not offer any specific parameters in addition to the system parameters common to all overlays.


Specific CSS variables useful when writing a theme are as follows:

--backgroundColor (rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) by default)Poll background color
--barColorColor (#fcb30d by default)Progress bars color
--barSizeSize (5px by default)Progress bars height
--choiceBackgroundColor (#aa1af8 by default)Choice numbers background color
--durationDuration (0.5s by default)Spawn animation duration
--shadowColorColor (black by default)Text shadow color
--votesBackgroundColor (#333 by default)Vote counters background color
--votesColorColor (#999 by default)Vote counter text color
--votesTextText ('votes: ' by default)Vote counters text

The value of the --votesText variable becomes 'votes :' when the overlay is translated into French.

Those of our CSS framework having been redefined are as follows:

--fontFamily1'Bebas Neue' (from Google Fonts)



This form is intended to be integrated into OBS as a custom browser dock and displays, for the streamer only, a survey administration interface.

To create a survey you will need to enter a subject, define at least two choices by clicking on the Add button, leave or not the possibility of carrying out a blank vote then click on the Start button.

Once you have counted enough votes you will need to click on the Stop button to display the final result then on the Close button to close/hide the survey.

It is also possible, at any time, to change the position of the overlay on the screen by clicking on one of the nine buttons provided for this purpose.


Your settings are automatically saved and preserved between restarts of OBS on a given computer.


The parameters made available are the same as for the overlay form.
